Winter 2021 Militaria & Collectibles Auction
Lot 97B:
Cold War Uniforms Lot of 5 US Air Force, US Marine Corps, Army 2nd Division and 2nd Cavalry Regiment. You will receive the following uniforms: Army uniform with the shoulder sleeve insignia 2nd Division patch, US and Infantry Collar Discs, Ribbons include the Presidential Unit Citation with 3 oak leaves, National Defense Service Ribbon, and Armed Forces Expeditionary Ribbon and a pair of DUI 9th Infantry Regiment KEEP UP THE FIRE Insignia. Size: 38R, Air Force Jacket (Sugarman’s Uniforms). Initials stitched into the jacket M R R and written on a hidden tag M. R. Roberts. Wear at the button holes, Marine Corps PFC Wool uniform. Has 2 screw back EGAs. Size: 37S in very good condition, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Army Uniform TOUJOURS PRET Shoulder Sleeve Patch. Size: 38L in nice condition, Army Cold Weather Medium Parka with liner in nice condition, and Pants – size: 31L, Named to A.J. Southern Overseas hat with screw back EGA. Size: 6 7/8 inches.
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